Apply font code to whole document


I want to use the Latin Modern Dunhill font.

So, I try \usepackage{lmodern} and \fontfamily{lmdc}\selectfont in the preamble.

What is the correct high level command to specify a font code for the whole document?

Do not use lmodern with Unicode engines. Instead, use fontspec.

There is also not much point in loading lmodern for 8-bit engines if you really want to use Dunhill for the entire document, since I assume that means the document is short, specialist and only contains text. lmodern.sty does nothing to facilitate access to Dunhill. In that case either use


Note that all these examples will render poorly. If you are using the font for multiple lines of text, you need to increase the line-spacing as the default is insufficient. The font is not designed to be used for paragraphs, IMHO.

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